Saturday, March 12, 2011

Light a candle...

Light a candle until they all come home...

Today I opened up my email to find (at my last count) the 15th Fallen Dragoon message from our rear detachment commander.

Fifteen soldiers who have died in the past 10 months...

Today's email hit me so hard.  In two and 1/2 months these soldiers come home.  I'm sure this soldier thought he was nearly done....headed the last stretch.  I'm sure of that because thats what I have been thinking and feeling.  They're almost home!  We're nearly done!

But the reality is that its 2 1/2 more months and anything can happen.

And as I read that email message and considered the life of this young soldier I couldn't help but cry for him and his family.

Just say a little extra prayer for our soldiers tonight. 

And if you have an extra 20 minutes to spare...these moving tributes of fallen soldiers everywhere can really put into perspective how much they gave...


The Days of your Life said...

I just had time to watch these videos and i bawled the entire time. i am grateful for the sacrifice of these men and yet, I don't remember every day the sacrifice. Thank you for reminding me. We are going to go to some of the monuments over spring break to remember.....thank you for sacrificing, Anna...and John and Bella and Maddie and John's parents and all the other people that help me live in a free country!God Bless America! And God bless those families who won't get to see their loved ones in a few months because Heaven needed a hero.....

Christy said...

I do remember. Thank you for the reminders, which I can/will not watch tonight else I will be awake for hours of sadness. But even without that, I remember. I've met or been exposed to only a few soldiers and their families in the last couple of years, but it has made a huge impact on me. I pray for you, your family, and your soldier every time I think of you.