Monday, March 01, 2010

Lovin' the (step)MOM gig...

Oh don't hear me say that often, but today was a stellar day.  Sunshine, rollerskates, a pink soccer ball and so much fun with my girls.

You know...funny enough I also got an email from a friend that happened to meet Cruella...apparently Cruella is singing my praises these days...

I guess that can't be can't very well continue to condemn a woman as abusive and neglectful when you want her to take care of you child for you so you can do...well, whatever it is you do now that she's not around.

But enough about her...lets go back to ME.  We had a great day, me and the girls.  I'm lovin' bein a mom these days.


Cothran Family said...

It is good. We finally had sunshine for a bit yesterday and we found ourselves in the front yard playing soccer and catch. Those are my favorite times. I always thought of you as the most amazing super auntie and since you've been a mamma I know you are good, I mean really good.

Miss Debbie said...

I am glad your day was filled with "SUNSHINE"!!