Thursday, January 17, 2008

THR vs RPE...

I'm having a problem. I am exercising daily at an average of 60 min/day cardio + strength training.

What Sparkpeople tells me is to eat 1800-2100 calories! WOW...thats a lot more than I'm currently consuming. I have lots of questions about that, but I'm going to save this topic for another day and perhaps a nutritionist?

The problem that I'm having has to do with my exercise. I started looking into what the "optimum" way to maximize the results of the exercise and after much reading I am as confused as ever.

First there is a Target Heart Rate (THR). For me...the zone is about 112 to 149. then there is Borg's Rate of Perceived Exertion Level (RPE). This is the way you FEEL when you hard are you actually working and is often shown by a 1-10 scale.

So, lately, following the THR method, when I exercise I feel good...Heart rate monitor shows between 130 and 145 usually. Muscles are warm, breathing is slightly labored...but I'm not "exerting" myself. I don't feel like I'm doing ENOUGH. I should be sweating and breathing hard and muscles burning by the end of it...


I'm such a health idiot...really...I've had bad information fed me for so long (thanks to poor image skinny by eating NOTHING!) and such a poor understanding of what my body should and should not be able to do that I'm confused on whether I'm doing what I should be doing or on if I'm being a total slacker.

That being said...they say that the talk test is also a good should be able to carry on a conversation and still breathe comfortably

(i can do that!)

...but you should not be able to sing.

(haven't tried this yet!)

So - the questions continue...the confusion is still here. I have a personal trainer small group meeting tonight. I think I will pose these questions and see if I can't feel better about all that time spent exercising!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know--I thought Sparkpeople gave way too many calories and fat grams for someone my hieght and weight, but I still lost on their allotment, though I lost more when I cut it back a bit.

I do prefer, however, the weight watchers method of shaving a bit off one's daily alottment to save for a once-a-week splurge! This allowed me to go out to pizza with hubby on the weekends without blowing my diet--I was just using those saved-up calories!