Saturday, November 19, 2011

Puss in Boots

I took Bella to see her very first movie in the theater this afternoon.  Actually...she's been in the theater as an infant...we decided to see a movie...i don't remember which one...mostly because I spent the entire 2 hours in the hallway with a fussy baby.  THAT was technically her first movie...

But...her first REAL movie that was enjoyable for me too...was Puss in Boots.  We went to see it today at the Vilseck Movie Theater on a mommy/daughter date.  It was great fun.  She ate an entire bag of small popcorn and drank about a medium sized soda drink (rootbeer is her favorite)...I let her go all out because it was her first time in the theater...what fun for a kid...right?

When we left the theater to walk home she said, "Mama...that movie made my tummy feel full and wobbly." 

Ya think? 


The Hannant Family said...

So stinking cute. Shoe. Awesome. I love her. She reminds me so much of my sweetie.

Miss Debbie said...

Soo cute! BBBeetter!

Becca said...

Shoe??..... What movies? What a cutie patootie!