Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Half full...

Here it is just after 5pm and I am now home from a long day at work. Started early today and had to host a conference at the NIKE campus.

Now its just after 5pm (I think I said that already...) and its dark outside and I've got to eat some dinner before Mr. C and I rush off to Gag's choir concert then take her out afterward for a b-day dessert.

I would rather go running right now.

So I'm feeling a little frustrated about that...but because I'm trying really hard to be a glass half full kind of girl I thought about all the people in this world that are in my position but have a dog to take care of too...then I thought about people with a dog and a cat...then a dog and a cat and a kid...then a dog and a cat and 6 kids...

...and a hamster.

And suddenly my little grump about not being able to go running right now seems much less grumpable than it did a few minutes ago.

I just can't believe there are women and men in this world that can juggle job, animals, spouse, kid(s) and still manage to exercise.

I'm humbled and impressed.

Teach me o' wise ones...I sit at your feet...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whew! Sure am glad I don't have a hampster! ;)

But seriously, I have to have a tradmill and I get up at six to get on it before the kids are up--NO WAY can exercise happen once the children awaken!