It certainly is...very cold here in the Portland, OR area...there has been a cloud cover and fog all day long...the kind of cold that gets into your bones and makes the cold seep all the way through your body. After my first post I pulled out my old boxes looking for that paper I wrote and ended up finding some hilarious stuff. My parents made us write essays when we were bad instead of spanking or groundings. I found a few of favorites being one about telling my mother to "shutup" and another called "Why I should not lie to my mother" and the third about making my bed.
I also found a scary story I wrote at age 7...Here it is in all its glory - spelling and all...
The Mystery of the Cackling Gost
One there was a family. They lived in a big house. Once night the mother and father and the three children heard a nois. Was it a gost asket the children? I don't now said the father. So the father got a flashlight and went into the attic. And ther was a ghost! The father asket tonot macke so much nois. When he was out of the attic the children asket if it was a ghost. The father said no becouse he did not want the children to be scared.
The next day they were eating breacfeast when the ghost came from the attic and come down. The children screamed! The dad comed down the children and asket why he was in the light. The ghost said he was a light ghost and from that day on he was frinds.
I think I show promise...At least an imagination if not a penchance for the supernatural.